
The Latest News From Loyalty Fitness

Category: Super Slow Strength Training

Are you someone who simply doesn’t have the time or will to spend hours in the gym? Guess what? You are not alone, and you don’t have to! The amount of work you put in is not equal to the amount of time you’re in the gym. The trick is learning how to strength train properly while you’re at the gym instead of spending the most time there. When using a more effective and efficient method you can get the same or more benefit from one set of reps that a person doing three sets gets! Training smarter, not harder can save you time in the gym and provide optimal results. But how does it work?


If you’re already active, the second you find out you’re expecting you might start researching guidelines for exercise during pregnancy. Thankfully, your fitness routine can continue with a few modifications throughout the duration of your pregnancy. In fact, things like strength training when pregnant can offer a slew of benefits for both mom and baby. Exercising while you’re expecting can set you up for a healthy pregnancy and easier delivery. If you didn’t exercise before becoming pregnant, you’ll want to start slowly with whatever routine you choose.

If you’re like many people searching for the perfect fitness routine, you may not immediately be drawn to strength training. Thoughts of burly, sweaty dudes grunting and slinging massive amounts of weight around can be intimidating and turn people away from this incredibly effective method of fitness. People assume that strength training is also synonymous with injury and stress on the body, but that is not the case! At Loyalty Fitness, we focus on super-slow strength training to give you long-lasting results without the stress that traditional weightlifting can put on the body.