
The Latest News From Loyalty Fitness

Category: Health

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! While it’s the most exciting 9 months of your life, growing a baby puts a lot of strain on your body and immune system. There are several ways you can safely boost your immune system naturally.


Arthritis. The word alone elicits pictures of swollen joints and older people suffering from the disease. Arthritis is really an all-encompassing word for joint pain, tenderness and swelling or joint disease. While it’s more prevalent in older adults, arthritis can affect younger people as well. Arthritis may not be curable, but it is possible to manage symptoms and improve your movement.


Over 50 million Americans undergo surgery each year, and about 1.1 million of those surgeries involve having a hip or knee replacement. While the thought of going through joint replacement surgery can be scary, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself physically before undergoing the operation that can help improve the outcome – and speed along your recovery after.


Let’s face it, everyone gets older eventually. With age comes four common health issues that older adults face: osteoporosis/osteopenia, falling and balance issues, sarcopenia, and heart disease. Just because they are common doesn’t mean we have to roll over and accept it. Starting a strength training routine can help you prevent and manage these age-related issues.


Keeping our body healthy and strengthening our immune system should be our number one priority, our quality of life depends on our health. These last few months have been extremely difficult for so many of us to stay on top of our health, but we are here to help!

No one likes back pain, yet nearly 80% of the population experiences it at some point in their lives. Our modern-day culture is designed to make us put unnecessary strain on our backs every day. Whether you work in an office and sit at a desk all day, or you’re moving, lifting, and twisting, there’s ample opportunity to become the unlucky recipient of back pain. Lower back pain in particular is one of the most common. Most causes of back pain are due to the joints, discs, and vertebrae – not chronic disease or infection. Thankfully, this means that you can take steps to help relieve your annoying and inconvenient back pain. One way to do so is through strength training for lower back pain.